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In The Community

We partner with many organizations, groups, churches, and people in the community. Below are a few photos of our efforts.

Members of Second Baptist Church had a chance to learn about eating healthy during Vacation Bible School. This spurred the development of the Eat. Move. Live program. Sponsored by City of Hope.

Convened an African American focus group in partnership with Southern California Edison

Afternoon at Pasadena Playhouse with Seniors and Teens - Sponsored by Pasadena Playhouse

Provided an opportunity for the community to express themselves during YWCA San Gabriel Valley Love Yourself event.

Volunteered during Latinos for Hope annual food drive

Board members participated in the Garden of Hope celebration at City of Hope

Boardmembers were on hand to provide information and resources during the Delta Sigma Theta resource fair.

Bridging the cultural gap with long  term partners Happy 50+ during their annual holiday celebration.

Provide backpacks and school supplies  to ensure young kids were equipped for school.

Provided resources to attendees during Connecting People of African Decent, a City of Hope outreach event

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